Thursday, May 7, 2009

Community Service

Community service, there are many things that can could be done. I chose to help out Corbin Brooks of Mt. Shasta, a football player who ended up breaking his neck during a football practice. The West Valley varsity baseball team who has until this year never played on a real baseball field during their home games. Children in the US who’s parents don’t have the funds to have an enjoyable Christmas through the program Operation Christmas Child. Throughout these experiences I learned many things about myself and other people.
I chose to help out Corbin Brooks for many reasons. He was somebody who really needed the money and he got injured playing a sport that I also play. It was really sad to me because I know how much work there is not only during the football season, but in the off season, and for that to be taken away from him, its’ heartbreaking to anyone. I had already played two years on the West Valley varsity baseball field, and it is possibly the worst field around. The ground was so choppy and there weren’t even any basepaths. So I took the opportunity to fix up the baseball field before I left WV. Operation Christmas Child is probably one of the coolest things ever. I thought it was really cool that I could help out little kids who wouldn’t have been able to experience Christmas like I did.
We held a carwash for Corbin Brooks next to Dill’s Deli for approximately 10 hours. Throughout the day many people came through to donate to Corbin Brooks. It was so cool to see how many people responded to car wash. We were busy all day and there were always more cars to be washed. I did many different things from holding signs to drying off cars. We ended up earning making a lot of money and I’m sure it was much appreciated by the Brooks family. I felt good helping out someone in need, especially somebody who was injured playing a sport that I play. Like it was something that every football player risks and something that nobody wants to see. I was glad there was something I could do and his injury made me realize that I’m always a moment away from something life-changing.
Fixing up the West Valley baseball field was a project that took forever. I have worked for about 25 hours in all on the baseball field and it’s still a work in progress. There were just so many things wrong with the baseball field that it’s nearly impossible to fix, but we started by ripping out the base paths and putting in DG. It is the first actual infield at West Valley and it makes the field look much better. Beside that we cleaned up around the field. We put new dirt in around the bullpen and we put of a green screen on the outfield fence. I chose to do this because I love baseball and I think it’s a great thing to do for the teams of the future. I know I would’ve loved to have an infield.
The Operation Christmas Child was fun and easy. I took a shoe box and filled it with little toys that any kid would want and just wrapped it and sent it in. I felt good about myself and I know that some little kid was really going to enjoy my present. All of my community service taught me to give and I felt good about doing it. Like it was something that was going to help other people and I really enjoyed doing it.

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