Thursday, April 30, 2009

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker is the hero of Star Wars. He has many helpers along the way such as, Han-Solo, R2-D2, C-3PO, and princess Leia. Luke's threshold guardian is Obi-Wan Kenobi. Throughout the movie Luke is forced through many hardships and he begins to learn about what is actually happening in the world, and he becomes something bigger.

Luke starts off as a farmer on some little planet. He is shown as being this curious boy who wants some adventure in his life. Well trouble finds him and the Empire ends up destroying his family. Luke proceeds to join the Rebellion and search for the princess. Once he finds the princess Luke proves helpful in the escape and once they get to Yavin V Luke becomes a hero by destroying the ultimate threat of the Death Star.

Han-Solo helps Luke in the end by killing the fighters that were shooting at him. R2-D2 adn C-3PO help Luke by telling him information and fixing various problems for him. Leia is the princess and comes up with lots of ideas.

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