Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tropic Thunder

Tropic Thunder was easily the best movie of the year. There were alot of very good actors in the movie. All the actors were funny, but Tom Cruise definately stood out. The entire movie was funny and there weren't any boring parts. The movie literally went from one funny part to another, and it kept me lauging the entire time.

Robert Downey Jr. was incredibly funny and i thought he played the part perfectly. Jack Black is funny in every movie he has ever been in, and the same with Ben Stiller. I thought the storyline was good and it was a very intense movie. I mean how can you go wrong with a movie that is hilarious and action packed. I mean even the action parts were funny.

I could see this movie over and over again because its just so perfect. I mean what more could u want in a movie. Its funny, it has great actors, and it has alot of action. It was so unlike any other movie and the storyline was just so different. It must've taken alot of time to get all of the top-tier actors, and it was surprising to see all of those actors working together

new era . new responsibilty

President Obama made the statement that "this is a new era, with new responsibilities". In my opinion Obama is absolutly right about this. Life is changing and so are our responsibilities as a nation. But not only just as a nation, but also as a community. As a community we need to come together, make smarter choices. Personelly, we need to do whats best for us. save the money we need. The way life is going right now, we need a change. Obama believes that with change, comes new responsibilty.

As a nation, the tasks that we need to take on are large. We need to change our lifestyles. Large businesses are having to close their doors because they can no longer make payments. They cant pay their employees, so they are having to lay people off. As nation, this effects us largly. We need to stop using money we dont have. Thats what got us in this situation in the first place.

This effects our community in just the same way. Most bussnisses in Cottonwood are locally owned. When you go into a store, the chances of you knowing the people working there are pretty high. Everyone knows everyone. And before, we could go into a store, buy stuff from them, and give them business. But now the way our economy is, people cant spend as much money, which means the stores cant make money, so there letting people go, and some are closing their stores.

Personnely what this means to me is that the chances of me being able to find a job thats hiring is pretty low. People are having to lay employees off, they dont want to hire anyone new. So when i leave for college, it will be hard for me to find a job, so i wont have extra money. This problem effects everyone. The new responibilities we need to take on to be able to get through this are important. We need to save the money we have. Make it spread out so when we actually need it, we have it. We shouldnt drive extra because of gas prices. And most of all we need to stop spending money we dont have on things we dont need. If we follow these rules as a nation, community and just as an individual, will be able to get through this tough time. Its time for a change, and we need to be the ones that make it happen

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Life's Lessons

I understand exactly what Douglas Soccio is saying. I mean most of the people who go though school don't care. Everyone is just happy with C's and it isn't right. They see school as a place to see their friends and not a place to learn, they simply just "put up with" school. This isn't true for me though, my parents have been on me since kindergarden about my grades and it's a very important part of life. Without smarts what can you do? Nothing. There aren't many jobs that don't require some thought so why not get ur time's worth while your at school and actually take advantage of the opportunity we have here as Americans. I mean other less fortunate places would die to go to school. It just makes sense to me to take advantage of every day.

Throughout school I have realized that the friends I make through sports and school are very important. I mean during football we do all this work, basically year 'round, and in the end it may have seemed like it was all for naught, but when you look deeper you realize that the season was more than just wins and losses. It was friendships and bonding, and coming together not only as a team, but basically brothers. I mean we will share that forever, I mean no matter what happens you will always have memories, and friendships are just something that should be cherished forever.

I have also learned to show up and perform everyday no matter what happens. It's the same in school and in football. No matter how bad i feel or how tired i am i know that when i go to school, or step onto the football field that i have to do well. Its not really an option, it's what i have to do. I know that in order to succeed you have to do your best all the time. I mean when somebody takes SAT's they aren't thrilled about it, but its the people who just start selecting answers who won't make it in life. People must perform in undesirable circumstances, bar none, it just has to be done, and through school i have learned the importance of this.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hamlet's Character

Hamlet is a victim of circumstance, I mean after his fathers death he was alone. He resented his mother for marrying his uncle, King Claudius. Hamlet had a right to be weary of his uncle and his spies, I mean things happened so fast I'm sure he was very confused. Then when he finally learned that his uncle had actually killed his father he wanted nothing but revenge. He had nothing else to do, he had nothing really to live for. He needed revenge.

I don't really see how Hamlet was just a power hungry prince. He didn't kill his own father and he didn't want to kill Claudius for the power. He just wanted to kill Claudius for revenge. Hamlet is a man of intellect though. I mean how many people would think to act mad as a diversion. I believe that was a very smart move. That being said he did push away the one he loved in order to fullfill his revenge. Truthfully Hamlet is a man of many sides and throughout the story he changed and evolved.