Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hamlet's Character

Hamlet is a victim of circumstance, I mean after his fathers death he was alone. He resented his mother for marrying his uncle, King Claudius. Hamlet had a right to be weary of his uncle and his spies, I mean things happened so fast I'm sure he was very confused. Then when he finally learned that his uncle had actually killed his father he wanted nothing but revenge. He had nothing else to do, he had nothing really to live for. He needed revenge.

I don't really see how Hamlet was just a power hungry prince. He didn't kill his own father and he didn't want to kill Claudius for the power. He just wanted to kill Claudius for revenge. Hamlet is a man of intellect though. I mean how many people would think to act mad as a diversion. I believe that was a very smart move. That being said he did push away the one he loved in order to fullfill his revenge. Truthfully Hamlet is a man of many sides and throughout the story he changed and evolved.

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