Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stem-Cell Reseach

I don't think it really matters. Let states do what they want. There are other places to research stem-cells, but that being said if there are reseach facilities on federal land then they should be used for whatever the federal government wants them to be used for. The power of the federal government should be more than any one state's, and decisions should be made accordingly. It isn't the states money being spent anyways. I understand that they want to stop the killing of embryos but its for the good of everyone else, and once stem-cells are fully understood im sure they could find a way to replicate them. This is something that could overtime save millions, and i believe that it's worth it.
Obama has made the decision to open up hundreds of reseach centers. This is our president and we are the ones who voted for him. This will also help states who were already spending money on stem-cell rearch, they won't have to spend near as much because of the money they will get from the federal government. The United States should make their decisions together and there is just only so much states can do because other states will just recieve more funding.

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