Thursday, March 19, 2009

Foreign Policy

We are in a position to try and please everyone. I'ts like we don't have a choice. If we don't help out one country or treat them the same they hold it against us. We are force to take care of everyone of countries resent us. It's really hard to please everyone, every country wants their own thing and it's just hard to help everyone. "It includes a Washington establishment that has gotten comfortable with the exercise of American hegemony and treats compromise as treason and negotiations as appeasement." We as a nation don't feel like we have to follow other people's demands and we have tried to just push people around, but people are tired of that, and compromises must be made. Yes he should change it a little, but he can't just give into everything and say sorry for everything the last president did. He needs to stand up for what we have done, protect those who need it, and go after those who represent evil.

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