Thursday, April 2, 2009

"intellectual Property"

I wouldn't be affected too much. I never download stuff illegaly anyways. I usually get my music from other people and i guess that they sometiems get it from Limewire. I know people that get alot of music from sites that allow u to download songs without paying. For them they would be forced to spend alot of money on songs that they wouldnt be able to get anymore. I think the music industry would just take a big hit. I mean sure some people would start to buy stuff, but most people would either find another way or just forget about it. Alot of stuff that is downloaded is expendable and unimportant.

Intellectual property is very important. People need to be paid for the work that they do. It's they work and their ideas. Nobody would like to spend alot of time on something that people can just take for free. Ideas belong to people and everyone should be paid for their work. That's just how it is. People should be compenstaed for their work.

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