Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Future

Next year i plan on going to a four-year college somewhere on the west coast. I want to try and get a college scholarship for football, but i have no idea what college i will be going to. If i had any choice of college i would clearly be going to the University of Oregon, but getting asked to play on that football team would be a very tough thing to do. The University of Oregon is my first choice because it is pretty close to home and my friends and family would be able to make it to the games. The U of O has a very prestigous football program and all of their things are sponsored by Nike. Philip Knight, the founder of Nike, graduated from the U of O and now he sponsors everything, from ventilated lockers to jerseys. Really I would love to go to any school in the PAC-10, but that is a pretty lofty goal. Another school I'm really interested in is UC Davis. It is a great academic school, and the football program is on the rise.

I believe going straight to a four-year college is right for me because I should be able to get athletic scholarship to pay for some of my college. Once I'm in college I want to major in either business or some type of physical therapy. I am ready to get to finish my schooling and get going on my life. I believe that the next 6 years are going to be crazy and it is going to have alot to do with who i become and what i do in my life. That's why it is imperative to make great college decisions. That being said there is still time before college and many things can change.

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