Monday, September 15, 2008

Would lowering the legal age help colleges curb alcohol abuse?

I think that lowering the drinking age could curb alcohol abuse. It just wouldn't be that big of a deal for kids to drink. I think right now people under the drinking age are just hiding their drinking and drinking way too much whenever they get the chance. But if people in college were legal to drink they would drink a little less and they wouldn't be so rushed to binge and drink anything and everything. I don't think that drinking would be a big deal and then people wouldnt drink so much. Young people still younger than 18 would still drink though. They would still hide their drinking and they would drink way too much.

So it would definately change college campuses but it wouldnt make a difference for people in high school. It could also make drinking in high school worse because more people would be able to provide for underaged kids.

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