Thursday, December 4, 2008

Fatherly Advice

Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel; but do not dull thy palm with entertainment of each new-hatched , unfledged comrade.

This comment by Polonius is very valueable. I mean you can't go out and try to make friends out of every person you meet. You will end up being backstabbed or put in a bad position. You must know your friends true character not just what you saw him act like after meeting him for the first time. Yes I use it alot, or else i would be stuck with friends that just get me in trouble. I mean you can't just follow other people because of a hunch you have of their personality. The people most important in you life are they people who truly support you, the people you know will stand up for you. Enjoy the true friends you have and don't make your goal in life to make all these new friends because in a time of need you arent going to want call upon someone that you can't truly trust.

I played sports against this guy from Corning since i was like 10 and we both really respected each other. We were always really competative and we always seemed to be our respective teams captain. Over time we talked more and more and we kinda became friends. Then we ended up being on the same team and we continued to get to know one another. So eventually I invited him over with the rest of my friends who I had grown up with. I quickly learned that was a mistake because he was a completely fake person. He wasn't who i thought he was and I quickly disliked him. This shows that you can't just trust people, you have to make them earn your trust.

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