Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thinker or a Doer?

This question is very similar to the question, which came first the chicken or the egg? I mean truthfully you can't have a doer without a thinker, but a thinker is worthless without the doer. Unless doers are just incredibly stupid wouldn't the doer at least have to think about what he or she is doing. Take this for example. A thinker is sitting around thinking and all of a sudden he was like lets build a bridge all the way to the moon, obviously he was not the best thinker, probably should've just been some other thinkers doer. But just like the usual thinker he was like, "NO way I'm going to do that'. So he found a doer. The doer looked at his plan and was like wow your dumb, jackass. So you see this doer actually had the ability to do both, think and do. And that will take me to my next paragraph.

You see I believe I'm actually a thinker and a doer. I mean i think about a lot of things and sometimes i actually do it, I'm what some call a double threat. I mean truthfully it depends on the situation I'm a thinker. I like to really think things through and make sure I'm making the perfect decision. But in times of need like lets say a football game, I'm simply a doer, I dont really make too many decisions I just do exactly what I am told.

Truthfully I would rather be a thinker. I hate when things aren't perfect, or for example, I hate having to listen to someone explain something to me, when i could explain it better myself. I would rather be the one thinking something through then telling other people what to do. I want to be a leader rather than a follower, and I want to control what happens.

There are many times though where I just do. I don't look at the consequences and I just go with the flow. Sure its not the smartest thing, but its not so bad if you learn from the mistakes you make. I mean if you do something dumb dont do it again, or find a way to not get caught. That's when the thinking side comes in. Really everyone is a doer sometime in their life, whether it be when you hit your brother in the head with a rock, or when you play on an athletic teams, there will be a time when you can't or just act on impulse. And at that time you will be a doer.

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