Thursday, December 18, 2008


Stepparents. Sometimes they are depicted as being evil and corrupt, but in other instances they are seen as being the savior. I personally dont have any experience with stepparents, but it seems that if you truly saw them with respect, that they could truly replace your birth parents. I mean love doesn't just appear because your related through blood, it comes from respect and trust. It seems as if it would be even easier to talk to stepparents, since in some instances you may see them more as friends than parents.

Sometimes in fiction you see the stepparents as just terrible people. Where they punish you for anything or they make you do all the chores, and other things like they where they are just depicted as being hard to live with. In other instances you can see them as life changing. Where they change the childs outlook on life and change his dreams. Nobody can really tell what it would be like to have stepparents from these fictional stories, the only real way is through personal experience.

I have very little experience with stepparents, and it was just my friends stepdad. Personally i liked him alot, and so did my friend. They were really close and he would always take us out on his boat in stuff. He was never this mean evil person and my friend and I respected him. Over the years my friend and his step father became really close and now you could barely tell they aren't blood related. It just goes to show that stepparents aren't all bad. I'm sure that there are some bad stepparents, but with that being said there are bad people too.

There are some positive aspects of having a relationship with you stepparent. He or she could be another role model in your life, or maybe even a parental figure. I mean another parent that cares about you and helps you out really isnt too bad. These relationships might also feel more like friendships. You could feel like the stepparent is there more as a friend and could be easier to talk to. This really isn't something i would know much about, but from the little experience I have a stepparent is really just one more person looking out for. It might be hard sometimes to listen to your stepparent because he or she isn't really your mom and dad. But eventually, overtime a relationship and trust is bound to grow. If not out of necesity, just the pure fact that you will be spending more time with this person.

Relationships with stepparents can be good or bad, just like relationships with true parents. I mean in movies they usually look like the bad guy, but that isnt always true. I mean my friend respects and cares for his stepdad. At first it might be hard to listen to or care about your stepparent, but eventually a relationship will be formed and something good will come out of it. You never know, they could become the person you trust most.

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